Sunday, November 29, 2009

Eyes are opening

Well they walk now, and they can sort of see. They continue to grow well. Now when Song gets into the whelping box they swarm her, and it is hard for them all to fit with those much bigger bodies all trying to cram in for a teat. I may bring them out to the x pen in the living room for a short time today. I'll wait a few days before I take more pictures. You'll have to trust me that they are moving out of the blob stage and beginning to look like puppies.

Trimmed nails today. I can't tell you how much fun that is with puppies. I've found that wearing reading glasses a bit stronger than would be comfortable for reading helps. With a bit of magnification I can get the job done quicker, and the pups tend to be squirmy even if I get them when they were sleeping.

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